Year End Finalisation Reports

The Year End Finalisation Reconciliation produces a number of spoolfiles.

If in a specific Environment, then the spoolfile is prefixed with the Environment (e.g. where XX is the Environment in XXPRE495ERR).

Spoolfile Generated  
JOBSUMMARY Job Summary contains the following information: Job Name, Job Number, User Name, Date and Time.

Employee Year End Finalisation Report Spoolfiles PRP461PRT in PDF Format. The report consists of two distinct sections:

  • The criteria selected is shown on page 1 (this display will be different depending on whether EMPLOYEE selection is checked vs CRITERIA)
  • Data extracted based on criteria on page 2
PRP420PRT Preceda Single Touch Payroll Report
PRP420EXC Preceda Single Touch Payroll Exceptions
PRE299ERR Error Report For Payment Summaries To Tape
PRE299SUM Audit Report For Payment Summaries To Tape

Employer Information Error Report

This report lists all the Employer Information records that have warnings/ errors.

This report highlights warnings and errors found in the setup of the Employer Information window.

  • A warning is given if there is more than one Employer Information record with the same ABN.
  • An error is given if there is information missing from the Employer Information window.
  • If errors are found, no other reports are produced. The errors must be corrected and the process run again.

Year End Reconciliation Entry Parameters

This report displays the Year End Reconciliation Parameters entered.


Payment Summary Error Report for All Payment Summary Types

This report displays the payment summary errors for all Payment Summary Types.

Any errors are highlighted with the *ERROR* in the first column.

All errors should be reviewed and corrected where necessary before printing Payment Summaries.

Most common errors are:

  • Errors in the name and address fields;
    The ATO will not accept details on magnetic media which does not meet their requirements.
  • For ETP Payment Summaries;
    If an Eligible Termination Pay record exists and no ETP Payment Summary has been created, the following message is displayed.

No ETP details found for Eligible Termination Pay Gross $xxxxx.xx and Eligible Termination pay Tax of $xxxx.xx

It is necessary to enter the details of the ETP Payment Summary onto the employee's record before re-running the process. If this is not done, no ETP Payment Summary is created and your reconciliation report will not balance.

The Reconciliation Totals printed include the ETP details for Eligible Termination Pay and Eligible Termination pay tax, only where an ETP certificate has been created.


Payment Summary Reconciliation Report for all Payment Summary Types
This report is broken into sections and all parts should be reviewed.

  • The first part lists all employees, that a Payment Summary/ETP Payment Summary will be printed and their relevant Payment Summary details. The report produces a separate section for each Payment Summary Type.
  • The second part provides totals for the figures that will be printed on the Payment Summaries.
  • Total number of Payment Summaries to be printed
  • Total Payment Summary Gross
  • Total Payment Summary Tax
  • Total Taxable Allowances
  • Total Non Taxable Allowances
  • Separate totals for Lump Sums A, B, C, D and E
  • Total Union Fees etc.
  • total Workplace Giving
  • Reportable Fringe Benefits Amount
  • CDEP Salary and Wages
  • Totals for balancing - YTD Gross and YTD Tax
  • The last page displays a warning if there is more than one Company with the same ABN number.
  The remaining reports are produced when the parameters have included their Payment Summary Type.

Payment Summary Reconciliation for Individual Non Business

This report is for Payment Summary Types I, P, W.


Payment Summary Reconciliation for Eligible Termination Payments

This report displays employee breakdown for any employee who has received a Classification C ETP (Eligible Termination Payment).


Payment Summary Reconciliation for Foreign Employment Payments

This report is for Payment Summary Types F and J.


Payment Summary Reconciliation for Business and Personal Services Income

This report is for Payment Summary Types, L, O and V.